Goodwill Finds for the Patio
Let me start by saying that I love San Antonio! It’s a great place to call home. Not only is San Antonio the 7th largest city in the United States, it is also home to the Alamo, the Spurs, a rockin’ food scene, and the best Goodwill stores in Texas. Seriously, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t find something amazing at a San Antonio Goodwill. Thrift store shopping is in my blood. I learned it from my grandmother who took great satisfaction in knowing that she was able to pay full price for items she needed or wanted, but she opted instead to check a thrift store with the hopes that she would find what she needed and pay a fraction of what it would cost new. In my opinion, this was a pretty awesome way to do things. So, as a teenager I bought my wardrobe of black clothing at the Goodwill I could walk to in my neighborhood. As I got older, I would hit thrift stores along with flea markets and estate sales looking for cool home décor and furniture. It was like a treasure hunt each time I made the rounds. For me, it wasn’t looking for valuable antiques so much as things that were just cool or unique. Sure, now and again I would score a pair of vintage cowboy boots or a porcelain dish that was worth lots of money, but that was not what kept me in the thrift game. It was the pair of vintage lawn chairs with a perfect patina, the old brass lobster bottle opener, and my favorite thing?
Stylish, quirky, colorful flowerpots, planters and other assorted vessels for planting in. I collected them for years with the idea that I would one day open up a little store and everyone would want to take a little something home. And you know what? I did it. I opened a little place called Chica Verde in Dignowity Hill on the eastside of San Antonio.

Chica Verde is stocked with bohemian and San Antonio– style finds to make your porch or patio look amazing with minimal investment. We do this by using local Goodwill stores as one of the sources for our finds. Look for potted cacti and succulents, vintage garden gnomes, wind chimes, hip outdoor furniture, pillows and lots of that perfect something needed to pull your outdoor decor together.

Potted succulents are the number one seller at Chica Verde. Take a look at some of the amazing planters found at Goodwill stores all over San Antonio. From vintage ducks and pirate cups to name brand pottery and tin pots, you are sure to find something awesome to brighten up your porch or patio. If you need tips on soil or watering for your plant babies, reach out to Chica Verde on Instagram or Facebook. We’d be glad to share what works for us!